For more resources for this Sunday, please visit Lectionary Resources. Suggested Gospel: Matthew 24:1-8 Prayer of the Day God of new visions, we call on you, and you reveal your mysteries to us. You show us your kingdoms, and you have promised us a kingdom that will never […]
There’s a wideness in God’s mercy, like the wideness of the sea; there’s a kindness in God’s justice which is more than liberty. Frederick Faber, the author of this hymn text, was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1814. He was raised Anglican, and after his education at Oxford, took Holy […]
Sois la semilla que ha de crecer, sois estrella que ha de brillar. Sois levadura sois grano de sal, antorcha que ha de alumbrar. You are the seed that will grow a new sprout; you’re a star that will shine in the night; you are the yeast and a small […]
How firm a foundation, O saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in Christ Jesus, the Word! What more can he say than to you he has said who unto the Savior for refuge have fled? … or is it … How firm a foundation, ye saints of […]
They say we need money and power They say there’s no God up above Don’t they know our Friend in high places Nothing can be stronger than love In the gospel of Matthew, chapters 5-7 make up what is more commonly known as the Sermon on the Mount. The first […]
Blessed are the poor in spirit who are torn apart Blessed are the persecuted and the pure in heart Blessed are the people hungry for another start For theirs is the kingdom, the kingdom of God If you spent any time listening to Christian radio 8-10 years ago, you probably […]
When we are tested and wrestle alone, Famished for bread when the world offers stone, Nourish us, God, by Your word and Your way, Food that sustains us by night and by day. Typically encountered during Lent, the story of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness is the gospel reading for […]
We are people created, chosen by God. Then we’re washed, ever gently, in mercy and love. Sin has power no more. Jesus opened the door to a fountain bringing healing, and wholeness and more. Ascension’s sending hymn for Sunday, January 8, 2023, the Baptism of Our Lord, is “Baptized and […]
Adeste, fideles, laeti, triumphantes, venite, venite in Bethlehem; natum videte regem angelorum: venite, adoremus, venite, adoremus, venite, adoremus Dominum. It seems like everyone has a favorite Christmas song or hymn or carol, whether it be about a dancing snowman, or what happened to Grandma on her way home Christmas Eve, […]
The hills are bare at Bethlehem, no future for the world they show; yet here new life begins to grow, from earth’s old dust a greenwood stem. Not much is known about our Hymn of the Week, The Hills Are Bare at Bethlehem. The text was written by Royce Scherf, […]